Concept note
The conceptual note is the document preceding the design phases, drawn up in order to justify the necessity and the opportunity to achieve the investment objectives financed from public funds. The lack of professional design themes is one of the problems that arise in the design process.
The conceptual note is the document preceding the design phases, drawn up in order to justify the necessity and the opportunity to achieve the investment objectives financed from public funds. The lack of professional design themes is one of the problems that arise in the design process.
It is considered, as a rule, that in fact the feasibility study is the theme for the technical project or that the designer's task is to establish down to the smallest detail what the beneficiary would like, which is completely wrong.
The concept note does not have to repeat the elements from the pre-feasibility study and does not represent an additional administrative burden for the investment's beneficiaries, but it can be relatively difficult to achieve in the absence of specialized administrative staff.
Design requirements
An appropriate design requirement must establish very clearly the main parameters to be achieved by implementing the project, being thus perfectible and adaptable, by mutual agreement, between the beneficiary and the designer, in relation to the evolution of the project. Such a principle, which is the basis for achieving a design requirement, also allows the optimization of solutions during the development of the project and the execution of works.
The design requirement represents, according to the provisions on public investment, the framework content of the specification book / technical specifications and is part of the assignation documentation, developed for contracting design services specific to each phase, respectively pre-feasibility study, feasibility study, technical project and execution details.
Feasibility study
The role of the feasibility study is to analyze the rational and efficient use of material resources, human resources, financial and last but not least the study must determine how the project is sustainable over time in the case of the proposed optimal solution. The financial evaluation of the investment project is perhaps the most important part of it and is done to analyze whether the investment is sufficiently profitable but also to forecast the budget needed both for the project and for recurring expenses generated over time.
A feasibility study, regardless of its nature, estimates the efficiency of investments in the development of new or existing projects effectively only when it will be used as the technical, economic and financial basis of the investment decision. A correct technical solution based on an erroneous budget will result in a failed project. We rely on our experience in project implementation, on our technical experts and on co-opted experts in various fields to deliver not only studies but future successful projects.
The recipe according to which we manufacture our documentation: "HG 907/2016 on the stages of elaboration and the framework content of the technical-economic documentation related to the objectives / investment projects financed from public funds"..
Used ingredients: Experience gained over time, professionalism and permanent orientation towards the expected result!
You choose us because:
- Vom respecta normele tehnice de proiectare si executie prin expunerea unor solutii reale si fezabile.
- We will fit the investment in the cost standards and we will make sure that the total budget is sufficient for the realization of the project.
- Nu vom subevalua sau supraevalua lucrarile necesare investitiei.
- We give you all the support in order to obtain the necessary approvals for the investment.
- We want to maintain an impeccable professional image; for us the prestige matters.
Building permit technical documentation (B.P.T.D)
A current shortcoming lies in the fact that infrastructure projects are substantially delayed due to various permits, which are subsequently not recognized by the advisers or even by the lack of those.
According to the legislative provisions for public procurement, the necessary authorizations and approvals provided in the feasibility and design phases will have to be sufficiently detailed and to effectively engage the issuer. Authorities cannot issue "principle" approvals; contracting authorities should not document the assignation procedure on approvals and permits that have been issued only "in principle". Within the feasibility study there is the obligation to present the compliant approvals, which should engage the responsibility of those who issue them.
Due to frequent inexistence of those approvals / permits, we developed the service specialized in obtaining the necessary documentation from authorities for the implementation of the project.
Technical execution project
The technical execution project constitutes the documentation through which the design engineer develops, details and, as the case may be, optimizes, through technical proposals, the scenario / option approved within the feasibility study / intervention approval documentation.
The technological component of the technical solution can be established or adapted to the appropriate technologies applicable for the achievement of the investment objective through the technical execution project, under the conditions of observing the approved technical-economic indicators and the construction / demolition authorization.
The execution details, included in the technical project, suppose the necessary explanations regarding the composition, execution, assembly and other such operations of the solution regarding construction elements or related installations and those indicate dimensions and requirements related to the materials used, execution technologies, as well as links between the constructive elements of the investment objective. Without relevant experience in the field of activity in which the project is located, the fulfillment of the proposed investment objective will certainly be a difficult or compromising task.
Integrated security systems (I.S.S)
Achieving complex architectures for integrated security systems characterizes the basic field of our company.
The extended experience of the company's specialists together with the "heaps of knowledge" constantly accumulated and continuously growing, they are permanently updated with existing and future technologies.
We offer complete solutions respecting the complexity required by each beneficiary through the implementation of integrated security systems.
- Hardware and software interconnection of I.S.S.
- Centralized data processing provided by I.S.S. component subsystems, within a complex architecture, consisting of servers and SAN storage system.
- Data transmission through a redundant communications infrastructure.
- Management si monitorizare centralizate, utilizand o interfata de operare unica pentru toate subsistemele componente S.I.S.
- Efficient analysis of security events, aiming to optimize reaction times.
The component subsystems of the Integrated Security System are the following:
- Burglary Detection and Alarm Subsystem (B.D.A.S.)
- Perimeter Detection Subsystem (P.D.S.)
- Access Control Subsystem (A.C.S.)
- Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) subsystem, including advanced video analysis technologies
- Fire Detection and Alarm Subsystem (F.D.A.S.)
Fire protection
- The causes of a fire apparition are most often found after its cessation, but not without causing significant material and human damage.
- Fire detection and alarm provides the first line in the effective control against the fire outbreak by detecting smoke, fire, heat or by manually triggering the alarm by people. Early warning helps qualified personnel, intervention units or automatic smoke and extinguishing systems to stop the spread of fire before causing significant material and human damage.
- The design engineers of early detection and alarm systems in our team specialize in various projects, simple or complex. The equipment used has the experience of their manufacturers, they are matured and famous in implementations all over the world.
- The services offered by us are complete and include, in addition to design, installation, commissioning and creation of complex scenarios specific to the objective and maintenance of systems.
Anyone knows how to connect a wire in the socket, but are we safe?
The implementation of the electrical installations from the design to their use by the beneficiary starts from a qualified personnel, with punctual experience, acquired by approaching the requirements from residential clients, commercial companies and public institutions. The need for professional solutions in the design and implementation of low and medium voltage electrical installations are the basis for the sustainable development of any project.
Our team covers a wide range of solutions and services in the field of electricity, of which:
- Consultancy
- Design
- Execution
- Maintenance
- PRAM Measurements
- Assembly and installation of electrical panels.
Telecommunication technology is constantly evolving from day to day, and people through their need for fast, permanent access to information from any corner of the world are those who influence this unstoppable growth of the field.
We offer a wide range of services and solutions, starting from consulting to the implementation of telecommunications infrastructures:
- Copper and fiber optic LANs
- Point-to-point WLAN networks, mesh with coverage regardless of requirements
- Extended WANs over large areas and multiple interconnected networks
- Cyber security
Audio - Video (AV) systems
At the base of Dispatch type applications, the graphic and video information display module has an important role, being the main interface for presenting the data provided by the integrated security system. Sistemul Integrat de Securitate.
Maximizing the display space, correlated with the structure of the potential video information sources and the planned dynamic display formats, are requirements that can only be met by technical solutions based on dedicated video wall applications.
In this way high resolution images can be displayed, stream video cameras, schemes, static or dynamic maps where the control of Integrated Security Systems are monitored and controlled efficiently.
Special Solutions
The requirements of the beneficiaries are rarely similar, but our specialists always find the solutions adapted to their needs, regardless of the complexity necessary for the implementations.
However, what do we do if there is no existing out-of-the-shelf solution on the market? That is the moment when our curiosity comes to the surface and we accept the idea as a challenge to build what you imagine.
The extended experience of the Syntegra Security team, the always updated knowledge in the field and the support of the partners, lead an idea to a finished service, according to your expectations, respecting the complexity imposed by the challenges encountered.